Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day Six

T is watching the fire and I am your day six blogger. We took 250 pictures today and visited five different spots. The hardest part was choosing just a few to post! These first pictures are actually from last night's camp. Campfires can recalibrate like no other (of course, adding a FatTire doesn't hurt.)

Breakfast and a wonderful stop at the very corny corn palace in Mitchell, SD. These pictures show you how much corn they used to create the murals around the place.

We thought this looked like a good place to lose your shirt.

Don Quixote is going to have to get a bigger horse. These things are everywhere and they are really huge! These are windmill blades--T almost didn't get the camera out in time, but we caught the tips as we flew by.

I believe the seeds from this field will fill the bird feeder in our backyard for maybe three weeks.

We finally arrive at the Badlands of South Dakota. You practically just turn a corner and there you are, surrounded by mile after mile of ridiculous beauty. It's hard to take it all in and we took about a million pictures (enough to kill our camera battery, actually) but here are just a few. Bruce Springfield in my head the WHOLE TIME! "I don't give a damn for the same old played out scenes."

The only thing I enjoyed in Wall, SD. Wall Drugs was a little too much tourism for both of us. We had a burger and beat feet for the Bear Park.

Matt Pelletier said the Bear Park was cool. Uhhhhmmmm, Lots of bears running around while you drive (keep the windows up!) amongst them. Very cool. I think a great place for a 10k run. Everyone would have a personal best!

Some things just make you realize how STRONG patriotism is. I wore the appropriate shirt, naturally.

Stone carving! The Indians are making a statement with Crazy that most of us will never see completed. The setup around the mountain was pretty cool with lots to see.

Looooooong day! Now we'll enjoy tonight's fire and get some sleep. We may sit tight in Custer and go fishing tomorrow. So much moving around is making us dizzy (T in particular). But there's always a chance we'll change our minds!

(so, we know that T came over and helped....I mean my punctuation was horrible!)


  1. Checking in on your blog is the highlight of my (work) day. Thank you for giving me something to look forward to. Many in the department are reading and enjoying it. T: lots of compliments on your haircut.

    Thrilled you made it to Corn Palace! When I worked on the SD Atlas and Gazetteer at DeLorme, I learned about it and one of my life goals is to go see it. Lame maybe, but a goal none the less. :-) The Badlands look amazing.

  2. So glad that you've made it to SD! I think it's one of the more under appreciated states. I must get back there some day, until then I am loving the photos. Drive on...

  3. hey mom! i hope i can figure out how to post on this thing...i know that right now youre probably having a terrible trip because you miss me so much but i just want to let you know thats its ok...youll survive...haha..yeah.

    anyway, just letting you know that the trash has been disposed of and all is well at the house. headed over to water and refill things tonight. hope you guys are having fun!!

  4. Yeah! A familiar site!!! I can't believe I actually climbed the trail in back of those heads!! Seems like ages ago!! Nice to see Pete actually has something to say!! ^+^ I actually found myself going to bed last night thinking,"Oh,shoot! I forgot to CHECK in!!" So while the G-baby sleeps, I'm checking!!
    This looks like such a great trip! Hope you don't wear yourselves out~ I want a stop in on your way back for the dog!!
    P.S.~ you want close ups of those fins!!?? My hubby delivers them!! He says they ARE HUGE!!

  5. Loving your blog! thanks...back to Irene.
